Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Lost Church 8 26 2011

Spent another Friday night at the Lost Church. Some big news regarding that venue is coming soon. On to the show!

Finally saw Rin Tin Tiger and damn they were amazing. I cannot recommend this band enough. You can catch 'em busking on Market St downtown SF until they become too famous to bother.

Shareef Ali kicking off his solo cross country tour. By train if I remember correctly. He's spending two months meandering the country, you should check him out if he comes through your town.

Friday, August 19, 2011

What the heck do I do with this?

Pineapples are some sort of sign of hospitality from what I understand. Still the unicorn seems a bit presumptuous. I thought it might make a decent t-shirt, what do you think?

bonus: art trade with Olivia Ward

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Figure Drawing Report 8-9-2011

A friend let me know about a twice weekly figure drawing session that happens down in the mission. I've managed to go at least once a week and hope to keep up the habit. I'm also digging this slight digital mod process to highlight the drawings a little more.

I got there late so I missed the 1 minutes, and used the 2 minute poses to do some blind contour and quick gesture drawings. The bottom were 5 minute poses, one spent on the model's head from different angles, and the other spent cursing myself for being unable to actually draw the damn pose. The 2 big ones are both 10 minute poses.

20 minute pose, digital post work.

This one's all analog, prismacolor markers.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Victoria and The Vaudevillains at the Lost Church

The Lost Church is amazing. I love this space.

the opening act, This Can't End Well, were amazing. I haven't seen a toy piano used that well since Mike Chase's "Toy Piano Man" at the utah.

The Vaudevillains, pre zombification (which happens to at least one member ever show it would seem)